Tuesday 15 December 2009

Images used on double page spread.

This is the original image i took, and i have used it on my doubl page spread.

This is the brigthened image, i altered the birghtnes and contrast of the image using microsoft office picture manager.

This is the image after it has been cropped, i once again used microsoft offic picture manager to crop this image.

This is the image once i have blacked out the background, i did this by using paint, i did this so the picture stands out on my double page.

real double page

This is my first attempt at my double page spread i am quite pleased with it but there is a coupl of areas i am going to improve upon.

I am very pleased with the layout, i think this works well as it is very imformative but still interesting due to the amoutn of visuals i have include, i think the pictures work well as there is a rang of different photos from a range of different shots, this is good because you can clearly see the band and who is who this is good because it advertises the band well.

From the feedback i recieved i found that the font colour used for the title was in the wrong colour and font style. this is not very good as it does not link with the cover and contents, i thinki need to change this so it ties the 3 in together.

I think i also need to add more colour to this page to make it more interesting and appealing, this is something i will do to improve upon my second attempt.

This is my second attempt at a double page spread, i am overall very pleased with this as my final piece.

I am very pleased with the layout of this and think there is a good mixture of informative text and visuals, after recieveing feedback i did not change the layout as they thought the layout worked well and was interesting but still information.

After recieveing feedback i changed the colour and font of the title this enables the double page to link in with the cover and contents, this is good because it links the two together.

Another thing i changed was the colou of the questions asked in the interview, this is good because it makes the questions stand out, this enables the readers to quickly scan the questions to find which ones they want to read..

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Double page layout design

This is my first double page layout design. The layout is quite busy and contains a good mixture of visuals and text.

There isnt many photos included and this is something i will improve upon in my second layout design.

The articles featured on this page is a good mixture, this is good because it enables you to meet the new band, and feel like getting to know them, this is good because as they are a new band you feel like you know them allready.

This layout would work well because it enables readers to meet the new band through both visuals and text.

This is my second layout design, i think this layout works well because there is a good mixture of text and visuals this is good because it makes the layout interesting and informative.

There is a selection of pages in the middle of the pages, this is good because it uses a mixture of black and white, and colour pictures, this is good because it enables the readers to see the band from a number of different shots.

The featured articles used, enable readers to meet the new band and find out information about them, the articles used are both fun and informative, there are random facts, photos, and question and answers, this makes the page more interesting and informative.

This is my chosen double page layout design.

q double page spread

This is a double page spread from Q music magazine, Q is a monthly music magazine.

The layout used is not very interesting or imaginative, the picture used is big and bold and you could clearly recognise the artist if you was into this genre of music.

The layout used is taken up by 50% visulas and 50% text, this is a good mix as there is still a substantial amount of text used.

The layout used however is not very interesting, as there is only one picture,The photo used is a close up of kurt cobain, one of the featyured artists in this issue.

The colours used of black, white and orange are all quite natural colours that reflect the artists clothes, the colour used could have been picked out of his top, this is good is good because the plainness of the background draw attention to kurt cobain.

To improve this layout i would make the colour used brighter and bold, i would also add more pictures taken from a variety of different shots, this would add more interest to the page, and we would also be more aware of what the artist was like.

Monday 7 December 2009

mix mag double page

This is a doublepage spread form mix mag music and clubbing magazine. Mix mag is a monthly dance and music magazine.

There are lots of photos included in this double page spread, around 80% of the layout is taken up by visulas, this allows readers to see who went to the event and where the event was, by just looking at the phtoos this ia good because it attracts a wider audience because the layout is less complex than most but it is still interesting.

The photos used are again taken from a variety of different angles this is good as it enables readers to seee the bands in a number of different shots and angles, this also adds more interest to the page.

The wiriting used is in diffferent colours, the font size used is quite small, this isn't very good as it is quite hard to read, so readers may not feel like they want to read the artcile.

The font colours used, eg black font on a white background, and white font used on a black background is good because it stands out and clashes against the background, this is good becaus e it attracts you eye to text making you want to read it.

The layout contains lot's of pictures this is good, because there is a good mixture of pictures and text.

Kerrang double page

This is a double page spread from kerrang magaizne, kerrang is a weekly music magazine.

One of the main pictures used of the whole band is taken form a long shot, this enables us to easily see what the band are like and what sort of genre they are from there clothes, this is good as it enables readers to easily determine whethere this is the right genre of magazine for them.

There is a wide range of photos used, the photos are taken from a range of different shots, there is alot of shots of the main singer, this advertises the band further, there are close ups, mid shots, and long shots of the lead singer, this makes the page more interesting, and the audience are more aware of the band.

Around 70% of the layout is taken up by visuals, this is good as it makes the page more interesting to look at, and less complex to follow, this would persuade more readers to read the article because it is more interesting to read and to look at.

This layout contains a good balance of pictures and text this is good because it is very imformative and interesting.

The writng used for the main article is in white font, this is good because it stands out well against the black background, and your eye is attracted to the writing beause of the contrast between background and font colour. The font size used however is quite small, this is not very good as some readers may find it hard to follow, and may think it will take to long to follow.

Friday 4 December 2009

image manipulation-Front cover image

This is the orignal image i took using my camera. I decide to take a mid shot of my band, as you can easily see the members and it will fit well on the cover.

This is the photo after i had cut it out using GIMP, by using a plain background i could easily remove the background. By removing the background, it allows the band to stand out and become more predominant.

This is the photo i used for my cover, i changed the background to black, i used the photo with the white background first, but it didnt link with the contents very well.
i changed the background to black by doing this it tied in with the contents page and linked the two together.

Images i have used- Image editing. CONTENTS PAGE PICTURE

This is the image used on my contents page.

This is the original image, taken from a low angle mid shot.

This is second stage of the image editing, this is the image after it had been cropped, i used microsoft picture manager to crop this image, it think this makes the picture look better as it frames the band better.

This is the third stage of the image editing, i used microsoft office picture manager to alter the contrast of colours and darkness of the image, this has made the grafiti stand out which draws attention to the band.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Magazine-contents page.

This is first front cover deign, over all i am very pleased with this, the main photo used is a low angle mid shot, i think this image works well as the main imgae, as the colours of the graffiti in the picture make the picture stand out against the background. By using a mid shot low angle it enables us to eaisly see the stars of the band.

The font, used for the word "contents" works welll witht he background, this is good because the pink stands out well against the black.
The picture used of the cover is good as it enables readers to see a link between the contents and cover.
The font colour used for the features is good because the colour are bright and bold and stand out against the black of the background, this is goood, as readers can easily read the features !

This is my second cover, i didnt make any changes really, because from the feedback i recieved, i was told it worked well.
i was told the font colours and styles worked well witht ht background, this is good as it is important for the test to be readable, from my feedback i am told it is readable.
I was told the picture of the cover should be changed to black to fit in with my updated cover, i change this and now feel my cover, and contents fit well together.
The font used for the main headings are big brigth and bold, this is good as it stands out against the black and makes you read more closley to look at the features.

Magazine-Front cover.

This is my first front cover i made, i chose a mid shot for my main photo,i have chosen this as most photos on magazine covers, are taken from a mid shot, this is good as it easily enables readers to easily recognise who is on the cover.

The white background used for my cover was not a very good choice, this makes the cover, look to blank and empty, this is not very good, as the magazine would not stand out. for my second design i am going to change the background colour, as i think it will improve the colour, and will appeal to more people.

The font used for the title, is good, as it stands out, and is bold, so it can be easily read, this is good as it enables readers to easily see the names.

The text used, for featured articles is both ood ad bad, the font used works well a it is bigger enough andd bolder enough to be readable, i think the font layout could be change so it can be read easier, but it could also be easier to read once the bakground colour has beeen changed.

This is my second improved cover, i made the changes after feedback i recieved. The photo used is taken from a mid shot, the photo stands out against the black background, which is good as it enables readers to easily see who the featured band is.

The black background used for my cover, works well, and looks better than the white, the black makes the photo's and text stand out, this is good as it enables readers to easily see who is featured and what storys are in this magazine.
The font used for the title works well against the black background, this is good because the pink stands out well against the black, and alos the font is big and bold, this again draws attention to the name, which is good as it is more likely to be remembered.
The text used for artciles and features is again good, the colours work well against the black background, this is good beause you can easily read what the articles listed are. The text used on the cover, works better on the black back ground rather than the white, this is good as it stands out better and is more predominant.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

cover-layout design-music magazine.

This is my first cover layout design, aroung 70% is taken up by visuals, this makes the cover, seem interesting and appealing.

I have chosen to use this layout for my cover, i think it is quite interesting, and contains a good mix of visuals and text, it is easy to find the features that are in bold text and will stand out against the background and pictures.

The title is located at the top, underneath the picture, this allows the picture to stand out as the main feature andd advertisement, this is good as it enables the feature band, to be the main feature, and the main purpose of advertising.

I think this layout will work well, as there is a good mixture, of pictures, and text.

This is my second front cover layout design around 70% is taken up by visuals, this again allows readers to easily figure out what the main features are.
I have chosen this layout because it contains a good mix of visuals and text this allows readers to easily know what is going on in the magazine.
This type of mixture of text and visuals is used quite alot, this is good kayout techicque.
The title is agin located at the top of the page, above the main picture, this allows the main picture to stand out, and also the smaller picture.
This layout is quite simple and plain, it may not be very appealing to readers, i have chosen to use my first layout design as it is more interesting and has more going on, layout 1 also has a good mixture of text and visuals.