Tuesday 8 December 2009

Double page layout design

This is my first double page layout design. The layout is quite busy and contains a good mixture of visuals and text.

There isnt many photos included and this is something i will improve upon in my second layout design.

The articles featured on this page is a good mixture, this is good because it enables you to meet the new band, and feel like getting to know them, this is good because as they are a new band you feel like you know them allready.

This layout would work well because it enables readers to meet the new band through both visuals and text.

This is my second layout design, i think this layout works well because there is a good mixture of text and visuals this is good because it makes the layout interesting and informative.

There is a selection of pages in the middle of the pages, this is good because it uses a mixture of black and white, and colour pictures, this is good because it enables the readers to see the band from a number of different shots.

The featured articles used, enable readers to meet the new band and find out information about them, the articles used are both fun and informative, there are random facts, photos, and question and answers, this makes the page more interesting and informative.

This is my chosen double page layout design.

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