Thursday, 3 December 2009

Magazine-Front cover.

This is my first front cover i made, i chose a mid shot for my main photo,i have chosen this as most photos on magazine covers, are taken from a mid shot, this is good as it easily enables readers to easily recognise who is on the cover.

The white background used for my cover was not a very good choice, this makes the cover, look to blank and empty, this is not very good, as the magazine would not stand out. for my second design i am going to change the background colour, as i think it will improve the colour, and will appeal to more people.

The font used for the title, is good, as it stands out, and is bold, so it can be easily read, this is good as it enables readers to easily see the names.

The text used, for featured articles is both ood ad bad, the font used works well a it is bigger enough andd bolder enough to be readable, i think the font layout could be change so it can be read easier, but it could also be easier to read once the bakground colour has beeen changed.

This is my second improved cover, i made the changes after feedback i recieved. The photo used is taken from a mid shot, the photo stands out against the black background, which is good as it enables readers to easily see who the featured band is.

The black background used for my cover, works well, and looks better than the white, the black makes the photo's and text stand out, this is good as it enables readers to easily see who is featured and what storys are in this magazine.
The font used for the title works well against the black background, this is good because the pink stands out well against the black, and alos the font is big and bold, this again draws attention to the name, which is good as it is more likely to be remembered.
The text used for artciles and features is again good, the colours work well against the black background, this is good beause you can easily read what the articles listed are. The text used on the cover, works better on the black back ground rather than the white, this is good as it stands out better and is more predominant.

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