Tuesday, 15 December 2009

real double page

This is my first attempt at my double page spread i am quite pleased with it but there is a coupl of areas i am going to improve upon.

I am very pleased with the layout, i think this works well as it is very imformative but still interesting due to the amoutn of visuals i have include, i think the pictures work well as there is a rang of different photos from a range of different shots, this is good because you can clearly see the band and who is who this is good because it advertises the band well.

From the feedback i recieved i found that the font colour used for the title was in the wrong colour and font style. this is not very good as it does not link with the cover and contents, i thinki need to change this so it ties the 3 in together.

I think i also need to add more colour to this page to make it more interesting and appealing, this is something i will do to improve upon my second attempt.

This is my second attempt at a double page spread, i am overall very pleased with this as my final piece.

I am very pleased with the layout of this and think there is a good mixture of informative text and visuals, after recieveing feedback i did not change the layout as they thought the layout worked well and was interesting but still information.

After recieveing feedback i changed the colour and font of the title this enables the double page to link in with the cover and contents, this is good because it links the two together.

Another thing i changed was the colou of the questions asked in the interview, this is good because it makes the questions stand out, this enables the readers to quickly scan the questions to find which ones they want to read..

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