Thursday 5 November 2009

Media evaluation- Promotion video

Guilsborough school promotion video

How have you appealed to your target audience.
My target audience was new pupils for the school, this could be either new year 7's or new sixth formers. I think my promotion video is more aimed at new sixth formers, as it shows areas of the sixth form and personal views from fellow sixth formers. i think my promotion video shows a range of different shots from a range of different areas from around the school, this makes it easy to see different areas of the school easily, which means it is a good feature and would be useful for new sixth formers. I think this video would be good, used in school to shows new sixh formers as it shows areas from around the school, so it is an easy way to view areas of the school, and hear peoples views on the sixth form, i think my video fits well for my target audience as it captures shots of the sixth form and school, which sixth formers would be interested in seeing .

Whats technical skills have you developed during this process.
I think i have developed technical skills in the way in which the cameras work, and the way to create a range of different shots whilst still keeping the camera steady, this has enabled me to get the best out of the camera, which has meant i have eneded up with a film that has contained a variety of different shots, that are all still and are focus. I have also developed more technical skills in the way in which to use i movie and also how to edit my film, this has enabled me to cut the best bits of my filming i wanted to use, which has meant i have ended up with all the shots i have wanted to use. i have also developed the skills to do with sound which has meant i have been able to remove some of the background noise from my shots, which meant i have been able to use all the shots i wanted to. i have also been able to add a song to my film which has made my film more interesting to my target audience.

How have you represented social groups and places?
I beleive i have representedf guilsborough school well, as i have included a variety of shots from around the school which enable viewers to see a true acount of the school, and the facilities that are around here, this also means new pupils have an idea of what the school looks like before they come here. As i have useed shots of pupils i think this gives the impression that the pupils are friendly and that they enjoy the school, i think this is a true account of the pupils i used as most of them are friendly. I also used people opions of the school i belive this are true representations of there true opions as they decided what they wanted to say.

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