Wednesday 25 November 2009

planning-music magazine-mixmag contents

This is the contents page from mix mag magazine, the main picture on the contents page is of what looks like a party/club this is a good picture to use as the magazine is a music and clubbing magazine, so this picture fits the audience perfectly. The photo is taken from a birds eye view angle, this ios good as we are able to see what is going on.
The text used is in white and yellow, this is good because the writing stands out, on the black background, the black white and yellow goes quite well together, and reminds you of lights in the dark, therefore reminsing you of a club.
however the font size used is very small listing the features and also the writing at the bottom, this is not very good as some readers may find it hard to read, this is not very good as you have to read it closely to understand what is typed.
The largest font used is on the picture ~"59" this is good because it draws your attention to the picture, by looking at the picture you can work out what the picture is adverting, this is good because by seeing the large 59 it has then drawn your attention to a featured article.
The layout of the contents page is good, the picture in the centre attracts your attention, meaning you are reading the text below, the features listed on the left hand side of the page are not advertised well, this is not very good as the word "features" is not very big or bold, the features are in bold which is a bit better as it attracts your attention to the features.
The mian colours used are pink,white,yellow and black, this is a good colour scheme for a clubbing magazine, as it comes across quite funky, modern and quite club like in a way, as it could symbolize the darkness of a club, and the whites, yellows and pinks of the clubbers and the lights, this is quite a good idea, as it fits the target audience perfectly and is a good way to advertising clubbing.
The cover picture is placed in the right hand corner of the page, this is good as it has a large 50 on top of it saying celebritiy dj's this is good as it is again advertising the djs that you can find on page 50.

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