Wednesday 25 November 2009

Planing-Music magazine-kerrang cover

This is the cover from the music magazine Kerrang, kerrang is a weekly music magazine.
One of the advertising points on the front cover is, "The uk's Biggest gig guide" this is a good thing to have as it enables the reader to know what is in this magazine, by saying it is on of the biggest gig guides it means that readers who would like to know about up and coming gigs would probably buy this magazine, to find out what gigs wre up and coming.
The colour scheme of yellow,red, black and white used on the cover is good as it makes the features stand out against the grey background, this is good as you can easily see what is in this magazine.
The font used on he cover is the same, the title is in the biggest font, this shows its importance and enable the reader to easily see the name. Key words in the articles are in bigger bolder text and the explaination underneath is in a smalleer less bold text this is good as the readers can easily see who i in the magazine, this means they dont have to read through loads to fdn out what is in the magazine.
The main picture used is of a white young male, framed as a low angle close up, this is a good shot as it enables the readers to see the males tatoos and peircings they can then tell, that this magazine is a more rocky sort of magazine. The other photos used on the cover, are some other rocky artist's, this is good as it enables us to quickly know that this magazine is vey much a rock magazine.
There are lots of different pictures, artsists names fonts used on this cover, this makes the cover seem very busy, this is a goodand a bad thing, it is good as it enables you to easily see who is in the magazine, it is bad as some of the text is hard to read because theres so much else going on.

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