Wednesday 25 November 2009

planning-music magazine-kerrang contents

This is the contents page from kerrang magazine, kerrang is a weekly music/gig magazine.
The colour scheme used is black, white, yellow, and a little red, this colour scheme is the same as the cover, this is good because the continuos colour scheme is kept, linking the cover and contents together.
The layout of the page is rather full and busy, around 60% is taken up by visuals, it fills the page but does;t take up space for the information, this is also good as you can easily link to who is staring in the magazine, this makes it easy to tell what genre of music this magazine is aimed at. from this cover i can tell this edition is aimed at more rock to heavy metal fans.
The main picture is of behemoth, they are a heavy metal/ rock band, which fits the target audience, the shot is a mid close up, this shot captures the band head on, meaning fans should easily recognise them.
The font used is simialr for everything, however some is in capitals and is bold, and some is in lower case and not bold. This is a good techniqur because all artists/bands are in bold, so they stand out this is good because you can easily tell which artists are in this magazine.
The layout used is a good way of balancing both words and images effectively, it is easy to see who is in this magazine and what page they are on, from the pictures and text used, also they are placed in order of importance for example the main band featured is above the other artists, this is a good way of advertising the main band, as they have the biggest picture on the contents they are more likely to be remembered.

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