Tuesday 24 November 2009

planning-Music magazine-MIXMAG cover

This is a front cover from mix mag magazine, it is a monthly magazine. It is "the world's biggest dance music and clubbing magazine"

The colour scheme used for this magazine is, Florescent pink, black and white, i believe this colour scheme quite a young colour scheme. Which i belive fits the genre of magazine,this magazine is a young adult magazine, as it is a music and cubbing magazine.

The font used is different for each item, the magazine name is in large Florescent pink text, this makes the name stand out, this would enable the magazine to stand out from the rest as the name text is very bright, bold and big. I think the font size is varied sizes due to its importance. The title is in the biggest font, this is because it is important the readers can see tht title from a distance. "celebrity DJs" is another of the larger fonts on the cover, this could be because it is one of the important featured articles in this issue.

The photo used is of young, blonde female, taken at a low angle mid shot, this is a well framed shot as we are able to see her outfit, this lady symbolises the young lady, andas this is a clubbing magazine it fits the target audience. The picture of the DJ decks again symbolises dancing/clubbing, this again fits the target audience as it is a clubbing magazine.

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