Friday 20 November 2009

Preliminary task- Magazine

This is the front cover i made for the preliminary task, i think this went reasonable well, as it looks like a cover.

Things i that went well is the cover scheme, i think this refelects the target audience of a school magazine.

Things i could improve on, can be the layout of the magazine, this can be improved by, adding more than one image, this would be good as it would enable readers to know what else is inside the magazine, this would also make the cover more interesting to look at.
Another area i could improve on, can be the main image, this could be improve by instead of using one solid image, use a image that sits in front of the text.

This is the contents page i created for my preliminary task, it think this went reasonably well.

I think there are several things i could improve on, one of the things i am going to improve upon, is the layout of the page, after research front covers, i have noticed that instead of listing most articles, there is just a list of sevral article, and pictures adfvertising the others, i would use this in my contentes as in most contents 60% is taken up by visuals, this also makes it more interesting to the readers.
Another thing i would improve upon would be again to place images in front off certain text, this would be good as it would look more proffessional.

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